
Monday, October 25, 2010

Chlorophyll prevent of cancer

Fortunately for those who love to eat green vegetables. Source of food low in fat and rich in fiber has many health benefits because it contains nutrients and non nutrients that are needed body, one of which is chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants giver.

In everyday life, chlorophyll has become a familiar consumer products for our health. Starting from the vegetables we eat, a safe dye for food and traditional beverages, up to natural dyes for weaving.

In the world of health, chlorophyll is now developed as one of the supplements to boost immunity. Even the role of chlorophyll is now being developed in tumors and cancer therapy. Many research results have shown chlorophyll antimutagenic properties (preventing the spread of cancer-causing genes).

According Prof.Dr.Made Astawan, Professor of Food Technology IPB, in his book various Food Nutrition, chlorophyll binding of compounds to inhibit the reaction of a carcinogen (causes cancer) with DNA, and counteract the radical compound reaction. Chlorophyll can also protect the immune system through its ability to reduce the reactivity of radical compounds.

When we are exploring Internet sites, quite a lot of international research that proves the function of chlorophyll. Prominent function of chlorophyll is an antioxidant and clean intestinal system (digestive tract food from the abdominal cavity to drain or the anus). Chlorophyll also serves to neutralize bad breath, hyper blood circulation, to a natural brain tranquilizer.

Dr. Leenawaty Limantara, scientists who study research on chlorophyll, said the chlorophyll molecule has a structure similar to hemoglobin, the red pigment in human blood. Therefore, chlorophyll a vital nutrient for the human body and is a molecule that can be accepted by the body naturally so that the potential increase endurance.

The ability of chlorophyll in strengthening the immune system is also caused by the supply of anti tumor and anti-germ to inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and wound infection in the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of oral
Actually, nature has provided the sources of chlorophyll a very reliable and can be consumed easily. The trick is to eat green vegetables on a regular basis. According Leenawaty, katuk an Indonesian native plants rich in chlorophyll.

However, the process of cooking and processing of vegetables that are not appropriate can also reduce nutrients contained in food. "Impaired function of the gastrointestinal tract can also make the absorption of food is not good. The sign can be seen from the remnants of food in the stool," said dr. Roy Indrasoemantri, product consultant PT.Synergy Worldwide Indonesia.

Technological developments have helped the creation of chlorophyll in the form of supplements in the form of capsules or chlorophyll. In Indonesia, enough liquid chlorophyll products sold in the market. According to Roy, every month of liquid chlorophyll products are marketed to thousands of bottles sold.

The nature of chlorophyll is not soluble in water requires special techniques for water-soluble chlorophyll to facilitate its distribution in the body. Therefore, only certain manufacturers are able to produce supleme liquid chlorophyll.

According to Roy, chlorophyll a good supplement products can mix with water without having to be shaken. If found instructions "shake it first" on a package of liquid chlorophyll, can be sure it is not pure chlorophyll supplements or are still mixed with other compounds.

"Beware of products that use fat solvent compounds. If consumed in the long run, long may accumulate in the body and interfere with liver function," said Roy.

Pure chlorophyll supplements also do not have the taste and aroma. It also does not cause a sense of bitterness on the tongue. To test the purity of chlorophyll supplements can be done by letting the product in the glass for a few moments. If the product is precipitate, that is not a pure product and if allowed to stand for several hours to be bubbly and fluffy, then the product is very dangerous.

Because of its nature as a supplement, then the main function of chlorophyll is the product for the prevention of disease. "In Indonesia, natural products such as these are often used as an alternative product for the treatment of disease, although its function to prevent the disease," said Roy.

For people who suffer pain, according to Roy products of chlorophyll may be consumed along with medical drugs. "Function as a supplement," he said. Although no promises of healing, but observed that if these products are consumed regularly can improve your fitness and progress. "For example, if before the road a few steps already felt tight, now it's chest could be better," he said.

Community nutritionist from IPB, Eddy Setyo Mudjajanto, saying basically chlorophyll supplement is safe for consumption. "If the product is consumed is pure chlorophyll, there is almost no side effects. If there is an excess dose was probably only 1-2 tablespoons," she said. Yet he suggested that every product supplement taken in accordance with the recommended dosage listed on the packaging.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Prevent cancer with apple

The experts recommend that men eat lots of fresh vegetables because it can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 32 percent. In addition to tomatoes, apples and beans was also have properties to prevent prostate cancer because the content of the active compound quacertin. Recommendation was submitted to experts from the Mayo Clinic, published in the journal Carcinogenesis.

In laboratory tests, Nianzeng Xing, cancer experts from the Department of Urology at the Mayo Clinic, proving that quacertin, capable of blocking receptors male hormones (androgen's) that can prevent prostate cancer.

Various studies revealed that apple fruit is rich in fiber, phytochemicals, and flavonoids. Flavonoid substances, based on analysis of the National Cancer Institute of the United States, the illness can reduce the risk of lung cancer by 50 percent.

Meanwhile, the Mayo Clinic research in 2001 proved quacertin, a type of flavonoid, which is contained in apples, may help prevent prostate cancer cell growth.

In another study, researchers found that mixed broccoli tomato consumption had a stronger effect in reducing prostate problems than if the vegetables were eaten on their own. "Eat 1.4 cups of fresh tomatoes or half a bowl of tomato paste," said Kirstie Cenene Adam, chairman of the investigators as reported by ScienceDaily site.

Apple has always known as a nutrient-rich fruit. There's even a saying "An apple a day, keep the doctor away!". Adage that does not overdo it. A recent study found that components in the apple pectin is able to increase the number of good bacteria in the gut.

Microbiologists from the University of Denmark's National Food Institute tested the effects of apple consumption by feeding mice with apples, either eaten immediately or in the form of juice.

The experts then examined the intestinal bacteria in rats. It turned out that the number of good bacteria in their intestines increases. Good bacteria are not only beneficial for the health of the gastrointestinal tract but also reduce the risk of some diseases. According to a study published in the journal BMC Microbiology.

Substance called pectin is also believed to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in our bodies. In addition, an apple contains about 8 mg of vitamin C.

In addition to the intestine, the efficacy of apple we can also meet in the tooth. When we eat an apple, the taste of the apple that will stimulate our salivary glands to produce more saliva which can 'wash' teeth from bacteria.

In the rainy season which is susceptible to diseases such as flu now, we can also count on an apple. In the apples contained a substance called quercetin, a substance that can destroy the influenza virus when the body is not fit. Besides apples, the flu virus-fighting substances are also found in onions, broccoli, and tea.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Surprising Benefits Of Apples

Many of us sometimes forget that the simplest answer is the best. Better health can be as easily reach the fruit bowl containing apples when you need a snack. What makes Apple so great?

Shiny-skinned fruit and it turned out to save a lot of amazing health benefits for your body. As reported from the pages Shine, know the health benefits of apples:

1. They Slow Food

Packed with five grams of fiber is able to meet 20 percent of the value of your daily nutritional intake. Crunchy texture of the fruit which can force you to try to chew. This activity is useful as a substitute for facial gymnastics.

In addition, a natural sweetener in apple can enter the bloodstream gradually, helping maintain blood sugar and insulin levels stable so you feel full longer.

2. Protecting the Lungs and Prevent Asthma
Based on research developed from the United Kingdom stated, women who eat apples regularly during pregnancy may provide health benefits to infants who will birth.

In addition, the consumption of apples can prevent children developing asthma when he reached five years. It also can protect the lungs of adults, lowering the risk of asthma, lung cancer and other diseases.

3. Cholesterol scraper
Thanks to two key components, pectin (a type of fiber) and polyphenols (powerful antioxidants), apples can take to reduce blood cholesterol levels and preventing oxidation of LDL ("bad") cholesterol, a chemical process that converts into artery clogging plaque.

The trick to maximize its benefits, do not discard the skin, apple skin has two to six times the antioxidant compounds such as meat.

4. Against Cancer
Lab studies have shown that some compounds in the fruit juicy and crisp flesh is capable of killing cancer cell growth. However, efficacy will work best if the fruit is consumed as a whole.

People who chew more than one day more, low-risk cancer, from cancer of the mouth, esophagus, colon, breast, ovary, prostate, and others. The Italian empirically predicted, those who eat apples regularly can prevent this deadly disease 42 percent.

5. Preventing dementia in The Day
Maybe because they increase production of acetylcholine, a chemical that transmits messages between nerve cells, so that the content of apples is able to maintain the sharpness of brain as you age, increase memory, and potentially reduce the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease.

Recent research has been proved by researchers from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell.

In addition to surprising benefits above, there are many more benefits of apples:

1. Getting White Teeth And A More Healthier
An apple will not replace your toothbrush, but the biting and chewing an apple will stimulate saliva in your mouth, reducing the risk of tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria.

2. Avoiding Alzheimer's

A recent study conducted on mice showed that by drinking apple juice could make Alzheimer go away and fight the effects of aging on the brain. Rats in the study were fed a diet of apple showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and better in maze tests than rats with normal diet.

3. Protecting You From Parkinson's
Research has shown that those who ate fruit and other foods high in fiber gain some protection against Parkinson's, a disease characterized by damage to dopamine cells - nerve cells that produce the brain. Scientists link this condition with free radical fighting power of antioxidants contained in them.

4. Reducing the Risk of All Cancer Types
Scientists from the American Association for Cancer Research, among others, agree that eating apples that are rich in flavonols may help reduce your risk of development of pancreatic cancer to 23%. Researchers at Cornell University have identified several compounds triterpenoids in apple skin that has a strong activity against anti-cancer cell growth will be in the large intestine, liver and breast. In a previous study found that whole apple extracts could reduce the number and size of mammary tumors in rats. Meanwhile, the National Cancer Institute in America has recommended high fiber intake to reduce colorectal cancer risk.

5. Lower Diabetes Risk
Women who consumed at least one apple a day had 28% lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes than those who did not consume apples. Apples contain soluble fiber, the key to reducing the sugar content in blood.

6. Reduce Cholesterol
Soluble fiber found in apples bind fat in the intestine, in other words, lower cholesterol and make you become more healthy.

7. Have a Healthier Heart

Overall body of research linking high intake of soluble fiber to slow buildup of cholesterol-rich plaque in your arteries. Phenolic compounds found in apple skin also prevents cholesterol for entry into the system and thicken the walls of your arteries. When plaque accumulates in the arteries, will narrow the blood flow to the heart and cause coronary artery disease.

8. Preventing Bile Stone
Gallstones form when there is too much cholesterol in your bile is prevented to remain as a liquid, which freezes. This condition is very common found in those who suffer from obesity. To prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fiber to help you control your weight and controlling cholesterol levels.

9. Overcoming Constipation Diarrhea Dan

Are you hard bowel movement or even experience diarrhea, fiber contained in apples can help. Fiber can draw water from your colon and makes the digestive process going well or absorb excess water from your dirt to slow the discharge of the intestine.

10. Neutralize Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is characterized by constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating. To control these symptoms doctors advised to keep away from milk and fatty foods and include a high intake of fiber in your diet.

11. Preventing Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal canal. Although not life threatening, but these blood vessels can be very painful. The pain is caused by the pressure that is too big in the pelvic area and rectum. Along with the pain of constipation, fiber can prevent you to be too tense when going to the bathroom and thus can help relieve hemorrhoids.

12. Controlling Weight
Many health problems associated with obesity include heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes dansleep apnea. To control weight and improve your overall health, the doctor will advise you to go on a diet rich in fiber. Foods rich in fiber will make you become healthier without having to throw so many calories.

13. Liver Detoxification
Without realizing it, we are constantly consuming poison, either from food or drink, and your liver is responsible to remove these toxins from your body. Many doctors are skeptical of a variety of detox diets, claiming the diet is more potentially harmful than the good. Fortunately, one of the best and easiest thing that you can eat to help detoxify your liver is to eat fruits such as apples.

14. Improve Immune System

Red apples contain antioxidants called quercetin. Recent studies indicate that quercetin may help to improve and strengthen your immune system, especially when you're under stress.

15. Preventing Cataracts
Although recent studies have been divided on these issues, long-term study conducted recently showed that those who have diets rich in fruits with high antioxidant content, such as apple would have 10-15% lower risk of developing cataracts.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Benefits of Body Fluids in Millions

Water is a major part in the human body and almost all reactions in the body needs fluids. When water consumption is very small, then the reaction that occurs in the body will be disrupted. Therefore, the body must get the input of fluid every day to replace fluids lost for metabolism to take place normally.

Generally, water loss occurs through the lungs, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and kidney. Loss of fluid that normally takes place due to energy consumption. While abnormal fluid loss caused by various diseases or conditions that do not normally, such as high environmental temperature, sweating, or due to various diseases. Spending a lot of body fluid without offset by fluid intake will result in dehydration.

Regulate body temperature

Water works to regulate body temperature. When lack of water, the body temperature will heat up and ride. If you are in the area where the temperature hot, our bodies need adequate water.

Smooth blood
Water also serves for blood circulation. When our bodies are dehydrated, the blood will become more thickened. The condition, caused by fluid in the blood is sucked to the needs of the body and can ultimately affect the performance of the brain and heart.

Remove toxins and waste food

Adequacy of water in the body will help remove toxins from the body. Water will clean the toxins in the body through sweat, urine, and breathing. In addition, the water will also clean the leftover food that are not needed by the body through the kidneys.


Water is very important to regulate the structure and function of the skin. When lack of water, skin will look more dull, rough, wrinkled, and not fresh. Adequacy of water in the body needed to maintain moisture, softness, and elasticities skin due to the influence of hot air from outside the body.


The role of water in the body is vital to the digestive process that is as a transporter of nutrients and oxygen through the blood and immediately sent it to the body's cells. Adequate water consumption will help the digestive system works in the colon, preventing constipation.


The lungs also need water for respiration. Our lungs must be moist in the works incorporate oxygen into the cell body and pumping carbon dioxide out of the body.

Joints and muscles

Adequacy of water will protect and lubricate the movement of joints and muscles. Therefore, water consumption during activity is important enough to minimize the risk of muscle cramps and fatigue.

Recovery disease

Water also supports the recovery process. Adequate water intake when we are sick is useful to relieve fever and replace lost body fluids

Water is one of the dominant element in the human body. Approximately 60-70 percent of the human body consists of fluids. Thus, the body desperately needed fluids. Water
White has many benefits for the body. Here are seven benefits for the body of water.

1. Lose weight
White Water to help feel full and launched metabolism. Replace soda or sweet drinks that are full of calories with water. Drink water before meals to help feel fuller. Especially if you drink cold drinks. The body must work to warm the water. This will burn more calories than plain water.

2. Increase Energy

If you feel tired, restore with water. Aka Dehydration dehydration makes the body feel tired. Water helps transport blood oxygen and other vital nutrients to the body's cells. If the body is water, more relaxed working heart to pump blood throughout the body.

3. Lowering stress

Most of the brain is water. As many as 85 percent of brain tissue consists of water. If lack of water, the body and mind will be stress. If you feel thirsty, it means you are slightly dehydrated. Prepare the water is always, to prevent stress.

4. Build Muscle
Drinking water helps prevent muscle cramps. Water becomes a lubricant for the joints in the body. When the body enough fluids, you can exercise longer and more severe.

5. Maintaining Skin

Fine lines and wrinkles will be more obvious when the body is dehydrated.
Water is a natural cream to beauty itself. Drinking water will improve the skin cells and make the face look younger. Water also remove dirt and increases circulation and blood flow. So that leaves the face clean and glowing.

6. Helps digestion
In addition to fiber, water is essential for good digestion.
Water helps dissolve the waste particles and process it smoothly through your digestive tract.

If the body is dehydrated, the body absorbs all the water, makes the colon so dry and hard to make the particles of waste processed.

7. Dissolve Kidney Stones

Kidney stones will increase if the body is not enough to drink enough water. Useful dilute salt water and minerals in the urine that form dense crystals known as kidney stones.
Kidney stones can not form in the urine, if the body is water. With enough water, the risk of kidney stones will be reduced.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gevaar Kalium vrugte en groente Overbook Op

For those of you who get hemodialysis typically occurs hiperkalemi (high levels of potassium in the blood). This is because it creates a feeling of tightness, so that in low-fat diet (food), sometimes feel afraid to consume foods that contain potassium.


Normal plasma potassium varied between 3.5-5 mm / l (depending on each laboratory), although extracellular potassium represents only 2% and whole in body.

Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia showed serum potassium levels higher or lower than the value limit of normal laboratory.

Pathology and Causes

Plasma and extracellular potassium levels are influenced by many factors, mainly by acid-base balance.

Acidosis moving potassium out of cells; alkalosis move potassium into cells.

Hyperkalemia usually occurs in renal failure but also happens to tissue destruction, Addison's disease or selective hipoaldosteroinisme

Hypokalemia often occurs due to loss through the gastrointestinal or urinary tract, especially after the use of diuretics that cause loss of potassium or in diabetes mellitus

Causes of hypokalemia among other renal aldosteronism, Cushing's syndrome, renal tubular acidosis


The most important sign of toxicity hyperkalemia is cardiac arrhythmias.

humidity peripheral muscle can occur.

Hypokalemia cause lethargy, fatigue that is thorough, muscle weakness and polyuria.

Irritability myocardium increased in hipokalemla and giving become more dangerous digitalis.

Differential Diagnosis
Other causes of feeling tired and comprehensive

Familial periodic paralysis as potassium moves from plasma into cells

Pseudo hyperkalemia such as the wrong blood sampling and / or K ions free from platelets during clot formation in tube

Special Inspection

Plasma levels

Electrocardiogram to look for the typical ECG changes (hyperkalemia: a high T wave, PR interval prolonged, complete heart block, and atrial asistole; hypokalemia: flat or inverted T wave, U wave, ST segment and show 'cable sag')

Hyperkalemia can be treated with glucose and insulin that drives potassium into cells (1 unit of insulin should be given for every 2 g of glucose)

Hiperkaleinia also effectively treated by other methods such as induction of alkalosis by infusion of sodium bicarbonate, intravenous calcium gluconate, potassium-binding resins giving oral, and hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

Hypokalemia potassium respond to oral or intravenous potassium solution for cases of emergency.

Levels of potassium in the infusion should not be
exceeding 40 mEq / L, except in rare circumstances occur

Depending on the etiology and electrolyte imbalance Also depending on the speed of treatment.

Potassium is very much on food vegetables and fruits - fruits, it is also not good, because you will lack of vitamin C and fiber that result in difficult defecation.

How do you affected by hemodialysis to consume vegetables and fruit - fruit. There are 3 ways in order to consume vegetables and fruit - fruit. The three ways are as follows:

1. Soaking (vegetables and fruit - fruit) with hot water for 15 minutes. This method can eliminate the potassium content of about 5% of initial levels.

2. Boiling (Vegetables and fruits) for 15 minutes. The trick is to heat the water, when water is boiling put vegetables and fruit - fruit into boiling water for 15 minutes. Potassium will be reduced by 10%. This method can be known by the hive.

3. Created sweets (boiled with the addition of sugar). Same way with the number 2 it's just added sugar. This method can reduce the potassium content of 15%. For hemodialysis affected by complications of diabetes mellitus is not recommended by way of number 3.