
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gevaar Kalium vrugte en groente Overbook Op

For those of you who get hemodialysis typically occurs hiperkalemi (high levels of potassium in the blood). This is because it creates a feeling of tightness, so that in low-fat diet (food), sometimes feel afraid to consume foods that contain potassium.


Normal plasma potassium varied between 3.5-5 mm / l (depending on each laboratory), although extracellular potassium represents only 2% and whole in body.

Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia showed serum potassium levels higher or lower than the value limit of normal laboratory.

Pathology and Causes

Plasma and extracellular potassium levels are influenced by many factors, mainly by acid-base balance.

Acidosis moving potassium out of cells; alkalosis move potassium into cells.

Hyperkalemia usually occurs in renal failure but also happens to tissue destruction, Addison's disease or selective hipoaldosteroinisme

Hypokalemia often occurs due to loss through the gastrointestinal or urinary tract, especially after the use of diuretics that cause loss of potassium or in diabetes mellitus

Causes of hypokalemia among other renal aldosteronism, Cushing's syndrome, renal tubular acidosis


The most important sign of toxicity hyperkalemia is cardiac arrhythmias.

humidity peripheral muscle can occur.

Hypokalemia cause lethargy, fatigue that is thorough, muscle weakness and polyuria.

Irritability myocardium increased in hipokalemla and giving become more dangerous digitalis.

Differential Diagnosis
Other causes of feeling tired and comprehensive

Familial periodic paralysis as potassium moves from plasma into cells

Pseudo hyperkalemia such as the wrong blood sampling and / or K ions free from platelets during clot formation in tube

Special Inspection

Plasma levels

Electrocardiogram to look for the typical ECG changes (hyperkalemia: a high T wave, PR interval prolonged, complete heart block, and atrial asistole; hypokalemia: flat or inverted T wave, U wave, ST segment and show 'cable sag')

Hyperkalemia can be treated with glucose and insulin that drives potassium into cells (1 unit of insulin should be given for every 2 g of glucose)

Hiperkaleinia also effectively treated by other methods such as induction of alkalosis by infusion of sodium bicarbonate, intravenous calcium gluconate, potassium-binding resins giving oral, and hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

Hypokalemia potassium respond to oral or intravenous potassium solution for cases of emergency.

Levels of potassium in the infusion should not be
exceeding 40 mEq / L, except in rare circumstances occur

Depending on the etiology and electrolyte imbalance Also depending on the speed of treatment.

Potassium is very much on food vegetables and fruits - fruits, it is also not good, because you will lack of vitamin C and fiber that result in difficult defecation.

How do you affected by hemodialysis to consume vegetables and fruit - fruit. There are 3 ways in order to consume vegetables and fruit - fruit. The three ways are as follows:

1. Soaking (vegetables and fruit - fruit) with hot water for 15 minutes. This method can eliminate the potassium content of about 5% of initial levels.

2. Boiling (Vegetables and fruits) for 15 minutes. The trick is to heat the water, when water is boiling put vegetables and fruit - fruit into boiling water for 15 minutes. Potassium will be reduced by 10%. This method can be known by the hive.

3. Created sweets (boiled with the addition of sugar). Same way with the number 2 it's just added sugar. This method can reduce the potassium content of 15%. For hemodialysis affected by complications of diabetes mellitus is not recommended by way of number 3.

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